A Longitudinal Study for Predicting Intentions to Use Augmented Reality Technology in the Fashion Shopping Context
Citation Park, S., & Kim, E. Y. (2021). A longitudinal study for predicting intentions to use Augmented Reality technology in the fashion shopping context. International Journal of Costume and Fashion, 21(1), 1-13.
This study predicted the intentions to use augmented reality (AR) technology by the changes in perceptions of visual comfort, interactivity, social influence, and facilitating condition over time in the fashion shopping context. For a longitudinal experimental study, participants were asked to participate in the repeated experiments at three different points (Time 1 in July, Time 2 in October, Time 3 in December) for 6 months. They were given a shopping task to use an AR-based virtual fitting smart mirror and then completed to answer self-administered questionnaires. Sampling was conducted for consumers in their 20s-30s and a total of 74 responses who participated in all experiments was used. Findings showed that mean scores of visual comfort, user control, responsiveness and social influence in Time 2 and Time 3 were significantly higher than those in Time 1. Regression analysis showed that the changes in perceptions of visual comfort and social influence in Time 1(initial use) and Time 3(repeated use) had significantly positive effects on the changes in the use intentions over time. This study discussed practical implications for developing fashion retail strategies, by considering technological and external factors, to expand the utilization of AR technology over time in a retail venue.
Augmented Reality, Visual comfort, Social influence, Technology acceptance, Longitudinal studyAcknowledgments
This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education(NRF-2019R1I1A3A01058519).
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