The Effect of Brand Identity Extension through Inter-Industry Collaboration : The Case of a Fashion Brand and a Long-Lived Domestic Brand
Citation Lee, Y. K., Choi, S. A., Choi, Y., & Lee, M. (2023). The effect of brand identity extension through inter-industry collaboration: The case of a fashion brand and a long-lived domestic brand. International Journal of Costume and Fashion, 23(1), 59-77.
This study aims to investigate how fashion brands can strengthen or extend their brand identity using inter-industry collaboration with long-lived brands that are 30+ years old in their respective industry. In particular, this study explores the characteristics of fashion products created through inter-industry collaboration that reflect the expanded brand identity and the value they can provide to consumers. For this purpose, we conducted a qualitative multiple case approach and used Kapferer‘s brand identity prism model as a framework for our analysis. The sampling frame includes cases of inter-industry collaboration between fashion brands and long-lived brands from 2015 to 2022. Twenty-six cases were initially collected, and four cases were finally selected based on topicality, sales performance, and design expressiveness: 4XR × Gompyo, Covernat × Jinro, Guess × Gas hwalmyeongsu, and Fila × Merona. The main findings of this study show that collaborated fashion products have six characteristics of originality, aesthetics, scarcity, playfulness, reliability, diffusivity, and provide consumers with four brand values: emotional, economic, self-expression, and social. This study identifies the practical benefits that fashion brands can gain from leveraging long-lived brands, which have implications for fashion companies' branding strategies.
Inter-industry collaboration, Long-lived brand, Brand identity extension, Characteristics of collaborative product, Customer valueAcknowledgments
This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) Grant funded by the Korean Government (NRF- NRF-2021R1I1A1A01055111).
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