Saving Brick-and-Mortar Fashion Retail : The Impact of ‘Consumer-Engaged’ Retail-tainment on Store Perceptions and Store Loyalty
Citation Lee, J. Y., & Park, K. H. (2024). Saving brick-and-mortar fashion retail: The impact of ‘consumer-engaged’ retail-tainment on store perceptions and store loyalty. International Journal of Costume and Fashion, 24(1), 19-38.
As the interest in experiential retail continues to grow, several U.S.-based fashion brands are creating and offering ‘consumer-engaged’ retail-tainment, which involves entertaining activities and events within the brick-and-mortal retail space that consumers can participate in. This study aims to investigate the impact of consumer-engaged retail-tainment on consumers’ store perceptions (i.e., perceived store value, store innovativeness, store entertainment, store distinctiveness) and store loyalty in the context of a fashion retail store. The moderating effect of market mavenism was also assessed in the relationship between store perceptions and store loyalty. Data were collected from 210 consumers in the U.S. through Amazon MTurk, and a structural equation modeling (SEM) was performed to analyze the data. The results revealed that consumers’ recognition of the store’s offering of consumer-engaged retail-tainment positively influenced their perceptions of store value, innovativeness, entertainment, and distinctiveness. Subsequently, all these store perceptions positively impacted store loyalty. There was no moderating effect of market mavenism. This study contributes to the existing studies on retail-tainment by exploring the concept of consumer-engaged retail-tainment, which emphasizes the ‘activity/event’ aspect of retail-tainment. The practical implications highlight the effectiveness of consumer-engaged retail-tainment as a strategic marketing approach for brick-and-mortar fashion stores.
Retail-tainment, In-store events and activities, Consumer engagement, Brick-and-mortar fashion stores, Store innovativeness, Store loyaltyReferences
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