The Influence of Country Image, the Korean Wave, and Website Characteristics on Cross-Border Online Shopping Intentions for Korean Cosmetics: Focusing on US and Chinese Consumers
Citation Yang, H., Jin, B. E., & Jung, M. (2020). The influence of country image, the Korean Wave, and website characteristics on cross-border online shopping intentions for Korean cosmetics: Focusing on US and Chinese consumers. International Journal of Costume and Fashion, 20(2), 38-49.
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the Korean Wave, macro and micro country image, and perceived website usefulness and ease of use on US and Chinese consumers’ intentions to purchase Korean cosmetics online. We conducted an online survey of US and Chinese consumers age 20 or older. Participants were asked to assume they were buying Korean cosmetics from the Kmall24 site. After browsing the site for 10 minutes, they responded to the questionnaire. A total of 500 responses (250 US consumers and 250 Chinese consumers) were used in the final analysis. For US consumers, the Korean Wave, perceived usefulness, and micro country image significantly affected cross-border online shopping intentions to purchase Korean cosmetics. For Chinese consumers, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and the Korean Wave significantly affected cross-border online shopping intentions. Further, Chinese consumers scored significantly higher on all measured variables relative to US consumers. These findings highlight the need to understand every country’s consumer characteristics rather than judging exporting countries as homogeneous markets.
Korean Wave, Country image, Perceived usefulness, Perceived ease of use, Cross-border online shopping intentionsReferences
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