한국복식학회(IJCF) 학술지영문홈페이지
[ Article ]
International Journal of Costume and Fashion - Vol. 21, No. 1, pp.67-79
ISSN: 2233-9051 (Print) 2288-7490 (Online)
Print publication date 30 Jun 2021
Received 02 Jun 2021 Revised 17 Jun 2021 Accepted 25 Jun 2021

Recent Changes in Consumer Perception in Sneaker Resale Market

Yoonseo Choi ; Kyuhye Lee
Master Student, Human-Tech Convergence Program, Department of Clothing and Textiles, Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea
Professor, Human-Tech Convergence Program, Department of Clothing and Textiles, Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea

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Citation Choi, Y., & Lee, K. (2021). Recent changes in consumer perception in Sneaker resale market. International Journal of Costume and Fashion, 21(1), 67-79.


The Sneaker resale market is becoming more popular beyond the enthusiasts, with economic resources such as stocks and investments available to consumers. As a result, its influence is also expanding. Thus, we compare the keywords “Sneaker resale” with a general keyword “Sneaker purchasing” to understand the overall perception of Sneaker resale. Data collection and analysis were based on the TF-IDF value by collecting and refining keywords for “Sneaker resale” and “General Sneaker purchase” through Textom 5 to derive the top 50 keywords NodeXL 1.0.1 program was used to measure centrality and visualize them. As a result, economic concepts were derived from the Sneaker resale keywords through Shoes-Tech and Sneaker-Tech. In general, keywords related to the function and external elements of the product were used, rather than economic keywords, such as “pretty,” “height,” “soles,” and keywords, such as “investment,” “financial technology,” were derived from the keywords of “Sneaker resale.” This confirms that Sneaker resale is now recognized as a market with new economic benefits. This work analyzes the perception of Sneaker resale through text mining and social network analysis, providing a new strategy for the Sneaker resale platform and a foundation to help the development of the Sneaker resale market.


Resale, Sneaker, Sneaker resale, Shoes-tech, Social big data analysis


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