Effects of Golf Wear Consumers’ Post-COVID-19 Changes of Clothing Benefits Sought on Selection Criteria and Post-Purchase Satisfaction
Citation Han, K. H. (2021). Effects of golf wear consumers’ post-COVID-19 changes of clothing benefits sought on selection criteria and post-purchase satisfaction. International Journal of Costume and Fashion, 21(2), 31-48.
This study seeks to identify the factors related to golf wear-seeking benefits for consumers aged 30 to 49 who have recently been noted as new players in the golf wear market, to segment groups for comparison, and to analyze the impact of golf wear benefits sought on selection criteria and post-purchase satisfaction. The survey was conducted from April 18, 2021, to May 12, 2021, on men and women aged 30 to 49 who have experienced purchasing golf wear. A total of 270 responses were used for final analysis through SPSS 25.0. The factor analysis on benefits sought have extracted four factors: Conspicuousness Benefits Sought, Economical Factor Pursuit Benefits, Functional Benefits Sought, and Uniqueness Benefits Sought. Additionally, as a result of segmenting the population according to benefits sought, the sampled group was subdivided into four: Functional Benefits Sought Group, Conspicuousness Benefits Sought Group, Enthusiastic Pursuit Benefits Group, and Economical Factor Pursuit Benefits Group. The factor analysis of selection criteria extracted three factors: Function-oriented Selection Criteria, Aesthetics-oriented Selection Criteria, and Symbolic-oriented Selection Criteria. It is hoped that the results of this research will help golf wear brands establish profitable marketing strategies.
Golf wear benefits sought, Selection criteria, Post-purchase satisfactionAcknowledgments
This paper was supported by Konkuk University in 2021
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