A Study on the Aesthetics Characteristics of Retro-Futuristic Fashion
Citation Núñez Barranco, A. N., Domenech del Rio, A. J. & Yoo, Y. S. (2022). A study on the aesthetics characteristics of Retro-Futuristic fashion. International Journal of Costume and Fashion, 22(1), 13-24.
This research establishes a framework that defines the main features and conception of Retro-Futurism in fashion. The purpose of this study is to analyze and compare retro-futuristic fashion trends in the second half of the 20th century and determine the different concepts and aesthetics that compose the idea of Retro-futurism in its entirety. The research method is based on the analysis of the concept of retro-futurism within fashion, and its historical development through literature review and photo examples as a way to understand how the idea of retro-futurism has constantly impacted the development of this area. As a result, the historical journey of retro-futurism through fashion, from primitive times to the present, has served as an inspiration to create new technologies and styles through clothing, where alternative futures are used as a way to understand the past and also, served as inspiration for designers to create a utopic and nostalgic atmosphere
Retro-futurism fashion, Retro, futurism, Nostalgia, UtopiaReferences
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