"Eye Shopping" on Fashion Mobile Apps : An Exploratory Study of Design Features
Citation Martinez, B. M., Smith-Glaviana, D., McAndrews, L., & Manrique, A. (2023). "Eye shopping" on fashion mobile apps: An exploratory study of design features. International Journal of Costume and Fashion, 23(1), 29-45.
Smartphones have allowed consumers to shop fashion retailers from anywhere at any time. Therefore, retailers must create compelling mobile app shopping experiences to achieve a competitive advantage. This study purpose was to gain an in-depth understanding of mobile application features that aid consumers' fashion shopping decision-making guided by Magrath and McCormick's mobile application framework. Semi-structured interviews and mobile shopping observation data were collected from seven fashion digital native students. Findings outline the mobile design features participants utilized, wanted, and desired, along with commentary on how the features were used. The study's findings extend the literature on mobile apps and give retailers suggestions for building and further developing their mobile app strategy.
Mobile Shopping, Mobile App, Shopping Experience, Atmospherics, Experiential retailingReferences
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