Consumer Mindsets and In-Store Engagement Behaviors across Purchase Journeys
Citation Oh, H., & Youn, C. (2024). Consumer mindsets and in-store engagement behaviors across purchase journeys. International Journal of Costume and Fashion, 24(1), 66-75.
Shoppers move through different combinations of online and offline channels in their path-to-purchase journey. This study aims to investigate whether shopper segments by journey type exhibit distinguishable patterns of in-store behaviors due to the different mindsets they deploy during store visits. Study 1 investigates path-to-purchase journeys and identifies three segments of store visitors: offline store-only consumers, webroomers, and showroomers by sequencing all activities involved in sunglasses purchase journeys. Study 2 shows that different mindsets are present depending on the purchase journey. Study 3 demonstrates different patterns of in-store engagement behaviors among the three shopper segments in a shopping task that simulates different sequences of channel usage. The findings in studies 2 and 3 highlight the associations between mindsets and engagement behaviors among the three shopper segments. Our finding on the novel relationship between shopper segments and mindsets suggests that mindset can be a robust segmentation basis that explains both information processing and behavioral patterns in omnichannel environments.
Deliberative mindset, Implemental mindset, Purchase journey, In-store engagement behaviors, Omnichannel retailAcknowledgments
This work was supported by a 2-Year Research Grant of Pusan National University.
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