Author Instruction

Instructions for Authors Instructions for Authors +

The instructions below are specifically directed at authors that wish to submit a manuscript to International Journal of Costume and Fashion (IJCF).

• The manuscript that has been published in other journals, under consideration for publication or in press elsewhere, will not be published in IJCF.
• Contributions to IJCF will be subjected to review by referees at the discretion of the Editorial Office.

1. Manuscript Preparation Templet +

1) Manuscripts must be written in English and will be limited to 20 pages or less in length on one side A4 (approximately 4,000 -6,000 words are desirable).

2) Manuscripts can be submitted written in Korean for review. But the accepted manuscript should be translated into English by authors.

3) Manuscripts should be in compiled in the following order: title page, abstract, keywords, main text, acknowledgements, appendixes (as appropriate), references, table(s) or figure(s) with caption(s) (on individual sheets)

4) Title page includes the title of the manuscript, all the authors' full names, affiliations, postal addresses, telephone and fax numbers and email addresses. One author should be identified as the Corresponding Author.

5) Abstracts of no more than 200words are required for all papers submitted. Abstracts should briefly describe the objectives, methods, results and inquires so that the reader can better understand the contents of the manuscript.

6) Each manuscript should have four to six keywords below the abstract.

7) Authors must adhere to SI units.

8) Authors should be sure that all imported scanned material is scanned at the appropriate resolution.

9) Photographs should be made in black and white. Any expenses for color picture or special effects will be paid by the author. In any case, photographs should not exceed 15, and the original should be submitted. Instead of being imported, figures or photographs of high quality can be saved and submitted separate to text as TIFF, JPG format. All figures must be numbered in the order in which they appear in the manuscript (e.g., figure 1, figure 2).

10) Reproduction of copyright material: contributors are required to secure permission for the reproduction of any figure or table that is copyrighted

11) References should follow the guidelines in the 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. The author's last name comes first, followed by a comma to separate it from the first name. References should be listed in alphabetical order by author. Book or journal titles and volume numbers should be italicized.

• Journals Articles: author name (year). Article title. Journal name, volume (issue number), pagination.
• Books: author name (year). book title (version). Publishing company.
• Internet source: author name. (mm dd, yy). article title. source. webpage address

• Martin, M. W. (1994). Virtuous giving: Philanthropy, voluntary service, and caring. Indiana University Press.
• Roach, M. L., Wilcox, R. T., & Laver, J. (1998). The visible self: Perspectives on dress. International Journal of Costume, 5(2), 18-22.
• Spring 2001 Womens Collections. (March 12, 2002). FirstView collection online.
• Sproles, G. B., & Laver, J. (1998). Function of dress (3rd ed.). Macmillan.

2. Manuscript Submission Author Checklist + Copyright Transfer Form + Research Ethics Statement + Using Online Submission System +

1) Authors should use a standard word processing program for manuscripts, and manuscripts for consideration should be submitted through the online submission system ( When submitting a manuscript, authors should upload copyright transfer form and research ethics statement as well.

2) If using the online submission system is not possible, please send an electronic version to the editorial office of the International Journal of Costume and Fashion(

3) Authors will receive an email from the editorial office that confirms the submission of the manuscript.

4) Decisions on publishing submitted manuscripts will be made after the review process, which will commence in the order in which the manuscripts are submitted.

5) International Journal of Costume and Fashion joins CrossCheck to check plagiarism of a submitted manuscript.

3. During Publication Process

1) The author is responsible for proofreading of the prints.

2) When deciding to publish the manuscript and signing the copyright transfer form, the copyright of the manuscript is transferred to The Korean Society of Costume. However, authors may use the material elsewhere after publication, provided that they obtain prior permission from The Korean Society of Costume.

3) All authors should submit the ethics pledge form to the editorial office.