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International Journal of Costume and Fashion
pISSN: 2233-9051
eISSN: 2288-7490
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1. Review Rules
Reviewers will be chosen by the editorial board based on subject’s appropriateness to the field, region,and academic contributions.
Each manuscript will be reviewed by at least three people: the editor-in-chief, field editor, and two reviewers.
Primarily, the editor-in-chief will review the nature of the article and judge the fit of the manuscript with IJCF. The secondary blind review will be conducted by two reviewers appointed by the editorial board. If one of the two reviewers rejects the article, the editorial board will have the manuscript re-reviewed by another reviewer. If two of the three reviewers judge ‘not to publish the manuscript in IJCF’, it will not be published.
Review criteria include (1) creativity, (2) academic value, (3) logical organization and development, (4) adequateness of methodology, and (5) compliance with the aims and scope of IJCF.
Results of the review include “publish”, “reject”, “publish with minor revisions”, and “re-review with major revisions”.
In the case of “publish with minor revisions” or “re-review with major revisions”, the author will correct the article according to the recommendations of the reviewers and submit it with a “correction report”. The reviewers will confirm corrections and re-review it.
After an initial judgment of “publish”, if the manuscript is thereafter deemed “not publishable” due to a discovery of plagiarism or any other reason, the editorial board will review the article again.
If the author does not revise the manuscript within 6 months without specific notifications, the manuscript can be rejected. Anything not described in this page will be dealt with by the editor-in-chief according custom and will be reported to the editorial board.
2. Editing Rules
These rules describe in detail the editing process applied to all Society publications.
1) Appointment of editorial board, Editor-in-chief
• The editorial board will gather for review of editing works.
• The editorial board will be composed of not more than 20 editors.
• The editor-in-chief will be appointed by the president and the editors will be co-appointed by the president and the chief editor in consideration of disciplinary field, geographical region, and contributions to their respective field.
• The term of editors will be three years, and they may be reappointed.
2) Roles of editorial board
The editorial board will review the following issues:• Contribution rules of the journal
• Editing plan
• Review rules of manuscripts
• Any other issues related to the editing of Society publications
3) Miscellaneous
In principle, accepted manuscripts will be published in the order in which they accepted. Anything not described in these rules will be dealt with by the chief editor according to custom and will be reported to the editorial board.The Korean Society of Costume
Hanshin Bldg. #1616, 12, Mapo-daero, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea, zip code 04175
Phone: +82-2-324-1711 ⏐ Fax: +82-2-324-1511 ⏐ Homepage: http://ijcf.ksc.or.kr/ ⏐ E-mail: ijcf@ksc.or.kr